CCC Southwest
Douglas County’s Urgent Need
Every day working families and employers feel the effect of a broken child care system. Parents who need or want to be working are unable to because they can't afford or find child care. A lack of overnight and weekend care restricts the shifts parents can work. Even those who have child care face issues with stability resulting in tardiness, absenteeism and lack of focus on the job. The cost of child care can be an overwhelming burden for working parents, especially for low-income families. The lack of affordable child care forces parents to choose between their job and caring for their children, leading to a reduced workforce participation rate in Douglas County, and increase on financial burdens on young families.
The first five years of a child’s life are the most critical period for brain development and set the stage for all future learning. Quality early care and education have been shown to have a profound impact on the lifelong well-being. education, and lifetime income of children. Achievement gaps between income levels and ethnicities can be seen even before kindergarten. Quality child care and education narrow this gap, providing positive long-term effects, increasing economic stability for families, and helping to break cycles of poverty. If we can reach and serve families when their children are young, we can help them build the support network they need, setting their children up for success.

In the summer of 2021, a group of community stakeholders explored the community's early childhood needs. CCC is the coordinating organization responsible for making this group's vision a reality. In October 2021, the project received a $582,000 three-year Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Grant from the Kansas Children's Cabinet and Trust Fund. In July 2022, Douglas County awarded $3.6 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to acquire a building to serve as the home for this vision and to jumpstart renovations. CCC purchased 346 Maine Street and is partnering with Bartlett & West Inc. and Dahl Construction, Inc. Renovations are estimated to be completed in early 2025. However, we need more capacity in Douglas County right now. Which is why we are excited to announce CCC Southwest.
Douglas County needs more child care slots. We're happy to meet that need. Meet CCC Southwest!
Located at Located at 4640 W 27th St, CCC Southwest expects to open its doors in early 2025. The facility will be licensed to care for up to 77 children. The facility will return high-quality child care capacity to the Douglas County community when it is needed most - right now.
The waiting list for CCC Southwest is currently open. If you have a child 0-5 years old and are looking for early childhood care, please sign up on the waiting list below.
CCC Southwest's strategic location near the Southwest Trafficway reflects CCC's commitment to accessibility across Douglas County. The facility at 346 Maine Street is expected to be completed in March of 2025.